- Total dividend income projected is $510.85 annually.
- $50.41 was added since the previous income projection.
- $15.55 of the increase was the result of a dividend raise.
- $34.86 of the increase is from adding to existing positions or acquiring new equities.
- The Portfolio generates $281.96 more than last year.

I am happy to report that I surpassed $500 in annual dividend income by the last projection of the year!
The next dividend income update won’t be published until 2019, so this will be it for the year.
But guess what the new year means? It’s a chance to publish new financial goals. In case you’re interested, I’m looking forward to publishing my financial goals for the third year in a row in January.
Overall I’m satisfied with the performance this year. 8 of the following months will produce more than $50 now.
In total, the portfolio is expected to generate $510.85 in passive income in 2019. This is $50.41 more than what was reported in October, and $281.86 more than what was expected in 2017.
Furthermore, the portfolio is now less than $500 from being a $1,000 annual business. It’s possible to achieve a 4 figure business by the end of 2019!
Below is a detailed overview of the projected dividend income for 2019:
Forward Dividend Income Projection – December 2018
Number of businesses owned: 11 (Down 1 since October report due to a merger)
Total annual dividend Income projected: $510.85 (Up $50.41 | Up 10%)
Average dividend income projected per month: $42.57 (Up $4.08)
Per day: $1.40 (Up $0.14)

Near the beginning of 2018, I anticipated that I could grow dividend income to $650 annually. Although I was not able to accomplish that stretch goal, I did manage to increase dividend income by over $281 (so far), and cash flow is reaching a point where I have extra money to invest on a monthly basis.
In addition, one of the most surprising takeaways this month was the amount of forward dividend income that was added because of dividend raises. $15.55 was added since the last projection, which is a large portion of the overall increase.
Of course, this is what should be expected going forward. I’ve been placing an emphasis on acquiring high quality dividend stocks that grow their dividends.

Concluding Thoughts
As we approach the new year, the portfolio is a great position to add extra cash flow for acquisitions. At the very minimum, $510.85 worth of passive dividend income is expected to be received in 2019. The cash flow machine that I set out to build nearly two years ago is coming together.
Since more than $27 of this year’s annual increase resulted from dividend raises, I expect that at least $30 in income will be added from raises in 2019.
Based on those expected increases, and based the $281.96 that was added in 2018, it’s likely that forward dividend income projections will reach $800 to $1,000 annually by the end of 2019.