Dividend income forecast August 2021 – Forecasting how much dividend income my portfolio is expected to generate annually and detailing stock holdings. I am not a licensed investment advisor and this post is not investment advice. It is for entertainment purposes only.
The dividend income forecast is a dividend projection that estimates how much dividend income the portfolio will generate over a 12-month period.
It is an estimate on how much dividend income will be paid from January to December each year.
In this post, I will highlight the progress of my dividend portfolio and how much it is expected to generate annually as of August 17, 2021.
Let’s dive in.

Dividend Income Forecast August 2021 – $803.56
- $803.56 annually
- $66.96 monthly
- $30.91 bi-weekly
- $2.20 daily
As of August 17, 2021, the portfolio is expected to generate $803.56 annually.
This is up by $121.08 this year from January 1, 2021 until August 17, 2021.
Compared to the last dividend income projection, at the end of 2020, the dividend business has grown by $111.96.
Divided monthly, the portfolio now pays $66.96 per month.
Of course, it’s still not close to enough to live off. But some months are getting into the 3-digit range. For example, I earned $93.81 in June 2021.
So, even though it’s not enough to live off, it’s getting to the point where it actually affects my life.
Obviously, the extra $803.56 from dividends is reinvested in more dividend stocks, which adds another $25 to $30 per year worth of dividend income.
22 Dividend Paying Stocks
As of August 17, 2021, the portfolio consists of 22 dividend paying stocks.
This is 3 more than in the last dividend projection of 2020. However, there were more changes than just those 3, because some stocks were subtracted since the last report.
During the course of 2021, $ABBV, $JNJ, and $AQN were the main stocks added to diversify my portfolio and increase dividend income.
In addition to these 22 stocks, I hold 4 growth stocks, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. So, my portfolio is actually 28 positions large now.
Here are the ticker symbols of the 28 investments in my portfolio:
- RY
- T.TO
- MO
- SU

$196.44 Until I Earn $1,000 Annually From Dividends
By the end of 2021, my goal is to reach a forward annual dividend income of $1,000.
This way, I will earn at least $1,000 in dividend income in 2022.
To get there, I must add $196.44 more by the end of the year.
Admittedly, this will be challenging. But I don’t think it’s impossible.
It all depends on how I manage my income over the next few months.
If I can save enough, I should be able to reach $1,000 annually by the end of the year.
Once you have a $1,000 annually coming in from dividends, the snowball begins to roll a bit faster, it seems.

Dividend Income Forecast August 2021 – Final Thoughts
In summary, the portfolio now generates $803.56 annually.
That’s $66.96 worth of passive income in my pocket each month.
To generate this passive income, I hold a diversified portfolio of 22 dividend stocks in various industries. In addition, I hold 4 growth stocks and cryptocurrency.
By the end of 2021, my goal is to reach $1,000 in forward annual dividend income.
This way, I will earn at least $1,000 in dividend income in 2022.
Ideally, the goal of any dividend investor is to grow dividend income until it exceeds their annual expenses.
Once your annual dividend income exceeds your annual expenses, you are financially independent.
In my case, I can be financially independent if I earn $2,000 per month from dividends. Actually, I could afford to live off $1,500.
However, lately, I’m thinking closer to $4,000 per month would be nice.
This means I must earn at least $24,000 from dividends annually to be financially independent.
Forecasting my annual dividend income is a good reminder and motivator of how much further I have to go.
Do you track your forward annual dividend income?
Related Posts On Dividend Income Investing
Annual Revenue December 2020 – Q4 Update – Portfolio Overview
Dividend Income June 2021 (New Record)
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