Welcome to dividend earnings update #2.
As I was writing this post, I couldn’t help but wonder how many dividend earnings reports I’ll eventually end up publishing before I actually reach FI.
As stated in my ultimate ambitions blog post, my long term goal is to build a dividend income portfolio that generates at least $2,000 per month. Once I reach that goal, I plan to resign from my day job to work from home as a dividend investor and blogger.
With that monthly figure in mind, I estimate that approximately 100 to 200 dividend income updates will be published before I reach FI. Hence why this dividend income update is named #2.
It’s an interesting way to view dividend investing, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that it could easily take 10 to 20 years to achieve FI depending on my savings rate.
On the other hand, I really enjoy the process so I don’t mind putting in the work. As much as I enjoy the analyzing and buying of stocks, publishing my dividend earnings is becoming my most anticipated post to write about each month—it’s an enjoyable part of the process too.
I’ve made numerous attempts to create a successful ‘monthly’ segment that tracks statistics in one form or another. I started this tradition off by documenting my day trades and blogging the percentages of profitable trades versus losing trades.
However, now that I’m back to work, I’m extremely motivated to see the monthly dividend income grow, and I secretly always wanted to be a dividend blogger.
Although I’m still in the early stages of building this cash flow machine, I’m counting on frequent purchases and a business-like approach to reach my long term goal.
I expect that the income will consistently increase because of my frequent AF purchase plan.
Based on one of the REITS I’ve started to build a position in, every $24 has the power to add $1.44 in annual income. It’s that simple
With that said, below is my total dividend earnings received in July 2017.
[bctt tweet=”Dividend Income Update #2 | July 2017 #dividends #investing #blogging #FI” username=”reversethecrush”]Dividend earnings in July 2017
Total income from dividends in July 2017 — $6.34
Increase over June 2017 (MOM) — $2.07 (48.5% increase)
Dividend income in July 2016 — $22.14
Compared to July 2016 (YOY) — Down -71.4%
Total dividend income in 2017 — $10.61
Total dividends received all time (since 2012) — $1,324.92
How many businesses paid in July 2017 — 2

Dividend business earnings analysis and final thoughts
Ultimately, dividend income updates are published on this blog to document my progress to FI. However, I also aim to show a different way of thinking about investing. I view it as a business.
You shouldn’t be reading this report and thinking Reverse the Crush only received $6.34 in dividends this month. You should be thinking — wow, 48.5% is a fantastic month over month increase for an early stage business.
Through consistenlyt purchasing companies that pay 4.00% and up, I anticipate that this business will continue to grow fast.
Look out for the August dividend earnings update to be published later this month.
Otherwise, thanks for reading!
Two reports down, only one hundred or so more to go…
Questions for the readers: Have you thought about how many more dividend investing updates you will publish before FI? How was your dividend income for July?