I’ have been working for myself now for 2 months, 2 days. After this long, the 9 to 5 schedule is a distant memory. I need to create my own routine that works for me.
In fact, my recent work has been largely fuelled by whatever I feel most passionate about at that given moment.
But, I’ve realized some structure is necessary to reach the goals I set for May. There has to be some form of an orderly plan in place to achieve it.
If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life. – Abraham Maslow
The challenge will be to follow this new daily routine 5 days a week in May and then compare results with April. That way I can test to see if following a daily routine is more productive than aimlessly doing whatever I feel like working on.
I had released an earlier daily routine that has since evolved because of the experience gained over the last 2 months. I started following the new routine this morning, Monday May 9, 2016.
The new schedule is included below.
7:30 AM – Wake up | Coffee | Browse Web | Relax
8:00 AM – Gym
8:45 AM – Breakfast
9:00 AM – Preparation for trading | Update previous trade records | Reading News | Setting up
9:30 AM – Trading | Viewing charts | Watching crude candle sticks | Taking notes | Calculations for entry/exit | Closing following volume | Social media updates while waiting for setups
12:00 PM – Trading completed by 12:00 – 1PM latest | Lunch | Read | Browse web
1:00 PM – Blog focus | Writing posts | Selecting/taking photos | Promoting blog
4:00 PM – Answer comments | Write a comment on another site I like | Promote & Engage | Read other blogs
5:00 PM – Review expenses | Record any income/expenses accrued during the day | Bills | Update Blog page
6:00PM – Errands | Groceries
You’ll notice that theres no morning commute so I can get a lot more done at a more comfortable pace.
I have the flexibility to take blogging tasks out and work from a remote locations. Maybe I’ll try and work in various locations over the summer as the weather improves.
The other thing I should mention is that the schedule is flexible as long as things get done. So if I only go for a 30 minute workout and take 30 for breakfast, that’s fine.
Most importantly though, I really enjoy the things I’m doing. The fact that I can work from home with the patio breeze blowing in. That I get to use my MacBook and iPad
to allocate capital around all day long. The fact that I get to make charts and crunch numbers. Every day is amazing and I enjoy it all.
I’m also super happy to be working on this blog and relish the opportunity to blog in general.
Going forward, I plan to focus on sticking to this routine for 5 days a week. I’ll still be working on the blog on the weekends, but they will be more spontaneous.
Having said that, hopefully as I continue working on this routine and improving, I’ll eventually be doing the above from anywhere I want.
Question: Is this a schedule you would enjoy?